Remember when we were told cigarettes are good for us?
Or, maybe that was before your current lifetime. However, it did happen, as you can see.

Oops, the industry and media lied.
We are told this by Samsung. Although, other companies have similar statements.
While in use, high levels of RF energy can produce health effects (by heating tissue).
The biological effects of RF energy should not be confused with the effects from other types of electromagnetic energy.
Very high levels of electromagnetic energy, such as is found in X-rays and gamma rays, can ionize biological tissues. Ionization is a process where electrons are stripped away from their normal locations in atoms and molecules. It can permanently damage biological tissues including DNA, the genetic material.
That’s all very interesting, and I’ll get back to it in a bit. Because, although there are pieces of that to discuss. In 2019 was this…
We tested popular cellphones for radiofrequency radiation. Now the FCC is investigating.
By Sam Roe
Chicago Tribune |
Aug 21, 2019 | 12:27
How the tests were performed
Standard test: The phones were tested in accordance with FCC rules and guidelines. Exposure was measured at two distances from the simulated body: the distance the manufacturers chose for their own premarket testing (5, 10 or 15 millimeters) and a closer “pocket test” at 2 millimeters.
Modified test: The Apple and Motorola phones were retested after those companies provided feedback based on the results. These tests added steps intended to activate sensors designed to reduce the phones’ power. Two newly acquired phones also underwent the modified tests.
NOTE: The Tribune tested several iPhone 7s because of high results from a pilot test.
KEY: Federal exposure limit of 1.6 W/kg
Source: Tribune reporting
Chad Yoder / Chicago Tribune
So, what does this look like?
The Cell Phone Radiation Scandal: Top Brands are Lying About Safety
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
August 23, 2019As the controversy over 5G networks and cell phone radiation continues, it turns out that manufacturers aren’t playing fair. In a groundbreaking expose by the Chicago Tribune, popular phones by Apple, Samsung, and Motorola were found to produce radiation that exceeds federal limits. The new data has forced the FCC to investigate – and could be a major blow to the industry.
The question has been asked about as long as mobile phones have existed: “Are they safe?”
With a federal limit of 1.6 W/kg, nearly half of the phones failed the test at 5mm. At 2mm, representing a phone kept in your clothing, all but one failed. If the tests are accurate, this would be a catastrophic failure of FCC oversight, and severe ineptitude or diabolical deceit by the manufacturers (except Vivo, who was well within guidelines).Sure, it’s possible that these results are an anomaly, and that the phones in question are within the FCC radiation limits. But it’s unlikely. Nearly all of the Apple phones failed – even with the newer test. Samsung’s Galaxy S8, which sold over 5 million units in its first month, had radiation levels more than 5 times the legal limit.
So, it looks like they lied.
Why would they do that?
Did they already know it wasn’t safe? If so, how long have they known?
Cell-Phone Safety: What the FCC Didn’t Test
FCC guidelines on the safety of cell phones assumed that there would be a buffer between the device and your body. Gulp
By Michael Scherer Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2010
Well, that’s 2010, is there more?
Cell Phone Radiation – Hazardous Or Harmless?
By Lynn Quiring | Submitted On October 03, 2007
Although the FDA takes a neutral position on cell phone radiation our government has known of problems for some time. During the Cold War the American Embassy in Moscow was “micro-waved” by the Russian Embassy. The American ambassador became ill and was soon diagnosed with leukemia. His replacement also became ill and was diagnosed with leukemia. Embassy staff members became ill. After an investigation it was learned that low level frequencies, similar to that produced by a mobile phone, were responsible. Furthermore, after extensive study the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency warned all of its personnel of risks from low-level radiation. (Just FYI, microwave radiation and cell phone radiation is basically the same thing.)
Consider a few facts about mobile phone radiation:
- Talking on a mobile phone 500 to 1000 minutes a month increases the probability of brain cancer by 300%
- Radiation from a mobile phone has been shown to damage or break DNA
- Radiation from mobile phones causes leakage of the blood-brain barrier
- Teenagers talk on cell phones an average of 2600 minutes a month
- Cell phone radiation is responsible for a 30% reduction in sperm count in men who carry cell phones on belt clips
Hmmm….2007…or the 1950’s during the cold war?
You can read the about the siege of Moscow yourself.
SAR and Cell phone use time limit 6 minutes/day usage back when phone had a much weaker signal strength.

Later, or rather coming forward in time again…
FCC Approved SAR Testing Doesn’t Account For Children Being At Higher Rish To Cell Phone Radiation Dangers
While in use, high levels of RF energy can produce health effects (by heating tissue).
The biological effects of RF energy should not be confused with the effects from other types of electromagnetic energy.
Very high levels of electromagnetic energy, such as is found in X-rays and gamma rays, can ionize biological tissues. Ionization is a process where electrons are stripped away from their normal locations in atoms and molecules. It can permanently damage biological tissues including DNA, the genetic material.
Microwaves. Hmmm….
Would you stick your head in a microwave?
Your breast?
Your Heart?
Your butt cheek?
Would you sleep next to an open and running microwave?
If you sleep next to that phone, you do.
Your cordless home phone, if you still have one is as strong a radiation.
It is worse than the cell phone.
They all heat tissue.
Just hold it next to your head for a while and time how long it takes to start heating.
And now, there is 5G, 6G, 7G, all the way up to at least 10G, that we know of.
That is an x-ray.
An x-ray, everywhere you go, that it is installed.
Many cities already have installed it quietly.
Do you want to live in an x-ray?
How about your loved ones?
Think about it.
Ignorance is not bliss.
The phones are strong, and the towers are much more so.
3g towers melt bark off trees.
There is much much more.
After all, what did they unleash in 2020? SAR or SARS?
But that is for another time.
Now what can we do to change it?