Clear, Honest, Heartfelt Communication as an Essential Aspect of Integrity

Do you use Clear, Honest, Heartfelt Communication?



To what percentage?

Are you honest with yourself?

Or do you tell lies?

To yourself?

To others?



As naturally as breathing?

Or, is it “just a little white lie’?

If so….

What brought to too feeling the need to lie?

To have control?

To get more money or stuff?

Because you think it will make someone feel better if you lie?

“To try it and see how it feels?”

Is it out of habit?

To feel important?

From fear?

To avoid an unjust attack?

To save your life? It happens.

What about the people whom you are in communication with? 

Are they using honest, heartfelt communication?

How do you discern?

How does it feel when you know someone is, or has been, dishonest with you?

How does it feel when you have been dishonest?

What are the ways a lie or dishonesty can affect you?


The whole?

If you really think upon it you may come to the realization that to lie is a theft. It may be a theft of power, money, objects, trust or more. 

How does Clear, Honest Heartfelt Communication affect you?


The whole?

To be Clear and Honest  in Communication is an Empowering gift to All

It is real communication. Because, communication by definition is the action of uniting together.

With all this in mind and heart consider:

Integrity of Action is inspired by benevolence for all beings, arising from the conscious awareness of the energy of interconnectedness that permeates our universe.

Now the bigger question arises:

How will you choose to communicate from this point on?

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