“Come Dance With Me”

Our intention is that we may all land in our Truest self. 

Mirdad says, “There is only one love, that is self love, and there is only one self, the Great Self.” 

Landing in your True self, your authentic personal sovereignty, is not only empowering but a remembering, of your “spiritual gift” and the knowing you have of the very Language of Creation.

In the context of this “discovering” intuition reigns, and the experience of abundance and love can find fertile ground within you. 

Being able to speak Creators Language, is to Be Spirit’s Voice. 

From your Personal Sovereignty arises the truest vibrational responses, perceptions and emotions. The fact remains, true perception, not only observes reality, it creates reality. 

Your heart perceives truthfully and will transmit Love, through the water crystal of your body. 

Love, in the Language of Creation, is far more than an emotion, it is the erotic creative force which In-Forms all of Being.

When we unite with others in this state, we create a powerful morphogenic field, one capable of In-Forming all of life, from molecular structures, to mountain tops.

A morphogenic field carries the signature frequency of a potential structure or developing system, before it materializes into its physical form. 

The morphogenic field, is the actual template of the living form just prior to manifestation.

Unified Human Morphogenic Fields are capable of materializing, re-organizing or cleaning, in the physical or etheric realms, on any scale. 

It takes courage to publicly stand in the truth of this invisible world, our inner experience. Being surrendered to your inner realms makes you eccentric, not to mention vulnerable, in this culture of scientific logic and proof, but those constructs are just distractions, to keep you from this truth. 

To be vulnerable is to be truly receptive and to be truly receptive is is the most powerful state.

To be receptive is to hear the Language of Creation. To hear the Language of Creation is to know the Grand Universal Community. The One we are arising from and existing within.

This Grand Community, a vast spinning, inter-galactic, multi-dimensional, vibrational field of existence. It stretches infinitely outward and simultaneously, infinitely inward. This is the One that every cell in our body is singing. The One we forget, not to long after we’ve slipped from our mothers wombs and entered into this density field. Its complete amnesia, forgetting all of it, from whence we came, the creative acts we came to fulfill, and of course the fact that, we are indeed, the very Grand Community Itself. Hence we are fumbling towards community, dancing in the dark, to a song we know we know, one we just can’t seem to remember.

The time to remember is at hand!

The Inca’s say it this way. We are all born with a Luminous Body. The Runa Kurku K’anchay as they call it, this is our birthright. They say that we are all vibrating, pulsing bodies of energy and it is only hucha, heavy energy, usually stemming from fear, that makes our luminous body dense. They say we are currently in the time of the Pachakuti, a time that completely dismantles the paradigm of the self, creating empty space for the authentic self to emerge.                                   

They say, this is the time of cosmic transformation or world reversal. That Pachakuti is a time to find yourself, to create a new beginning, a new era in the fabric of time.Now, in this time, we are all being given the opportunity to shed our fears and hucha, and once again re-enliven our luminous body. A time to join together with others, to build sanctuaries and widen our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. To live in joy and unity.

It is time to stop Fumbling in the Effervescent, Eternal Now of Toroidal Vastness!!!

We must first awaken ourselves, and then help as many others as possible to discover their truest self. Let us join in THE DANCE together as we all keep Fumbling Towards Community, dancing in the dark, to a song we know!

The compelling and continuing Dance, to the Great Song being sung. 

There are many different interpretations of that song, one that I like by The Hanuman, goes like this: 

“Every child knows the words of God, not the God of do’s or the God of don’t’s, 

but the God who just sings four words, over and over,”

“Come Dance With Me!”

Shantparv aka Peter

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