In the madness of these times……….
……..Please know we have all done well to come this far!
Even if it sometimes seems difficult, keep moving. Keep moving don’t stop or turn back. Always remember that every tumble, every turn on this twisting path is a dance within. A dance within the Living Church of Elements, the sanctuary of stars, wings, breath and bone.
Your Heart is the dwelling place of your Sacred Sovereignty, your Source Being. It can inform your mind, if you listen!
You carry a fractal mirror of the universe within you. Your body is a biological field of oscillating energy points that have a layered structure and a defined symmetry…….the very definition of a crystal.
Crystals have the ability to convert vibrational energy into electromagnetic and electrical energy. Crystals can store, amplify, transduce, and transmit these vibrational energies across great distances.
Our bones are solid crystals, they are our main transducers, joined with our other crystal like sub-systems, we as human crystalline beings, are literally resonating with the pulse and power of the Universe.
Doesn’t feel that way sometimes??? Yup, I know, but, but, but remember what I just typed out is a verifiable fact, not whats being driven into our lives on the media manic national psychosis Tell-A-Vision!!! Choose no programing.
Remember, we are all coupled harmonic oscillators, capable of transmitting to each other across all dimensions. We can can actually disperse our Heart-thought to everyone on the planet in approximately 10 minutes.
As coupled, harmonic oscillators connected to one and another, across inter-dimensional time and space let us use our abilities at this powerful moment, awakening, uplifting, supporting and nurturing all other Source Beings.
Although vulnerable in this culture of scientific logic, proof from the Tell-THE-Visions, dot-com-modifiers and dominators, programs. Stand clear and strong,in the vulnerable state of your inner knowing, with all the rest of us who are there with you!
Remember our brains can effectively lower the magnetic field, which in turn opens portals.
Pay attention!
FYI…..Microsoft’s windows systems have been proven to block all psychic connectivity of the human brain during interaction with it. Hmmmmmm!
Great are the words of Mary Oliver,
thank you dear one…..
“Last night the rain spoke to me slowly, saying what joy to come falling out of the brisk cloud,
to be happy again in a new way on the earth!
That’s what it said as it dropped, smelling of iron, and vanished like a dream of
the ocean into the branches and the grass below.
Then it was over. The sky cleared.
I was standing under a tree.
The tree was a tree with happy leaves,
and I was myself, and there were stars in the sky that were also themselves
at the moment, at which moment
my right hand was holding my left hand
which was holding the tree
which was filled with stars and the soft rain―
imagine! imagine!
the long and wondrous journeys
still to be ours.”
Keep on swimming, keep on connecting!
Much love and laughter,
Shantparv aka Peter