Month September 2024


Greetings! We are looking forward to re-connecting with you! So much has happened since we dropped out of touch, sight and sound! We have moved to the East and are still looking to ground in one of several beautiful farms…

~Conscious Kinship~Do It Now~

I want to hear your stories… true stories… Those ones you lived, laughed, cried and loved through, the ones that empowered you Not Twitters, not Facebook Flickers or LinkedIn LittersI want to hear your voice next to me on the…

What is up?

Up is down, left is right, the edge is in the middle, men are women, ugly is attractive, mental illness is wellness. These days it seems that everything is either inverted, contrary, or just so mixed up it is either…

Is It Really A Critical Time???

Critical WarCritical JobsCritical MassCritical TimingCritical ThinkingCritical ElectionsCritical SchedulingCritical InformationCritical InfrastructureCritical TransportationCritical Communication If life becomes critical, then step away from the exploding volcano and then “stop and smell the blossoms”.Except for volcanos, and the like we must realize the critical,…

Dear Friend~Fellow traveler~Family,

In the madness of these times……….……..Please know we have all done well to come this far! Even if it sometimes seems difficult, keep moving. Keep moving don’t stop or turn back. Always remember that every tumble, every turn on this twisting…

Remember When…

Remember when we were told cigarettes are good for us? Or, maybe that was before your current lifetime. However, it did happen, as you can see. Then… Oops, the industry and media lied. Next… We are told this by Samsung.…

Who We Are

Brown, Black, White, Gay and Grey  Any Duality that works, has and will, be shoved our way  Hailed as a life ring, as if for some reason we live on the Sea???  So many times in so many ways  but…

“Come Dance With Me”

Our intention is that we may all land in our Truest self.  Mirdad says, “There is only one love, that is self love, and there is only one self, the Great Self.”  Landing in your True self, your authentic personal…