Category Poetry

The Heart’s Song

Dawn is alighting in the treetopsDawn is alighting~the long night is overTogether our Earth turns, Our Solar System rotates, Our Galaxy spins, Together we awakenThe strongest contractions always precede any birth Its always darkest before the dawn, but we are…

These are the Days…… for Singing!

These are the days for singing,These are the days for forgiveness,These are the days to gather together,These are the days to unite our hearts and sing The Heart Song of Evolution!These are the days to create the largest Human Heart-fields…

in love and laughter

May we all awaken to who we truly are, thus releasing the bondage generating constructs of the past centuries.Let us now begin our days with the inner comprehension that our universe is comprised entirely of frequency. For from this knowing,…


O Spirit That Breathes Life into Life,Your Light is Everywhere.Enable us to feel your Presenceand remember this as our True Essence.What comes from this Awarenesscan heal and shape the world.May Your Presence flow through usso we may help unite Heaven…

Simply IS

Whilst trading fiat dollars for crypto-currency the question arises just why did my eyes harvest the veins from my face to sell to my bowels for the re-building of a dysfunctional colon because my ears sold large tracts of my…

Only that which Dances is True!

The Choreography of Creation, Polarities dancing gracefully with each other Gracefully dancing, lively energy arising, peaceful rest descending, Listening, you can hear the out-breath of possibility creating, the in-breath of constriction defining. We are Dancing in our Living Church of Elements, whose corridors…

The Heart’s Song

Dawn is alighting in the treetopsDawn is alighting~the long night is overTogether our Earth turns, Our Solar System rotates, Our Galaxy spins, Together we awakenThe strongest contractions always precede any birth Its always darkest before the dawn, but we are…

These are the Days…… for Singing!

These are the days for singing,These are the days for forgiveness,These are the days to gather together,These are the days to unite our hearts and sing The Heart Song of Evolution!These are the days to create the largest Human Heart-fields…